Every fashionable girl will agree that a closet is not complete without a great quality handbag. The handbag must be in a neutral color so that it goes well with any outfit in your wardrobe. A handbag in white, beige, chocolate brown, camel, black or grey is a must have. Find the handbag of the greatest quality you can afford. If your budget allows it, get an expensive designer handbag as these handbags are not just expensive because of their designer name. Most of these handbags are actually handmade and last for a very long time. Also, try to resist the urge to get the "it" handbags of the moment as these can be trendy and usually easily go out of style. Instead, get a classic designer handbag that's sure to withstand the test of time. There is an investment handbag for every budget and lifestyle. The most important thing is to have a durable and fashionable handbag without breaking the bank. Fashion should be fun. It gets tacky when you try to portray something you are not. Don't lose sleep over creditors hounding you just because you've just maxed out your visa card on the latest Hermes Birkin. I would take a Target Mossimo handbag any day over a very expensive Louis Vuitton Epi leather handbag as long as I have enough money to pay for lunch and gas. Fashion should be fun and reasonable. Live the fashionable lifestyle within your price range and pick the investment handbag within your budget.
Below I have picked investment handbags for every budget:
High End (In no particular order of price):
Below I have picked investment handbags for every budget:
High End (In no particular order of price):
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Chanel $2,990 |
![]() $1,795 |
Balenciaga Handbag Gold Giant City Charbon |
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$2,202 Prada Handbags - Spring - Summer 2012 |
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Gucci- Jackie $1,890 Gucci 'Jackie' Leather Hobo Bag |
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Hermes Birkin -Upwards of $10,000 |
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Fendi Pikaboo -$3,793 |
Mid End (In no particular order of price):
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Tory Burch Robinson Tote -$495 |
Relatively low price range:
$298 |
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Botkier Eden Satchel $349.99 Botkier - Eden Satchel (Nude Cowhide/Satin Brass) - Bags and Luggage |
You may notice that I started with Michael Kors as my 'low price range". Now before you hit that send button on your hate email telling me that $298 is not low range at all, remember that I did this because this post is about an investment handbag. I feel that every woman no matter what they can afford should own an investment handbag. Michael Kors handbags, especially the Hamilton bag featured here feels exquisite to the touch and it is so luxurious that I think every hard working woman must at least start with a Michael Kors handbag. It costs $298 maybe less if it is on sale or if you get it from Marshalls or an outlet mall. If you can't afford that in one pop, why not get a piggy bank and put in $1 a day everyday and by the end of the year, you will be able to get this very luxurious piece without even knowing it! Happy handbag shopping my fashionistas!
It's true fashion should be fun and reasonable!
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled upon your blog and I'm also majoring in pharmacy, and have a passion for fashion! You have a really cool blog, would you like to follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin, that would be great ! I'm already following you on both :)
hey tammy! sure thing! Ill check it out and follow right away
ReplyDeleteCute bags, nice post! Lovely blog! :)
thanks! I checked out your blog and it is so cool that for a young person you do so many good things!
ReplyDeletei also signed up for your blog via email @vintagelillies